Radiologie Bamberg
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Radiologie Bamberg
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Radiologie Bamberg
Radiologie Würzburg


0951 – 980 30-0

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Doctolib Akuttermin

Neuroradiologische Fachbeiträge

Neuroradiologische Fachbeiträge

Clinical fMRI for Language Mapping

Best Practice Recommendations from the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) and the Committee on Best Practice in Data Analysis and Sharing (COBIDAS).

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E-Mail: info(@)radiologie-bamberg(dot)de

Aktuelle Publikationen

Challenges and opportunities for advancing functional MRI in clinical practice
(Impact Factor 18.5, Brain)

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Consensus recommendations for clinical functional MRI applied to language mapping

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Internally-consistent and fully-unbiased multimodal MRI brain template construction from UK Biobank: Oxford-MM

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Beitrag im Ärzteblatt: Megalenzephale Leukoenzephalopathie mit subkortikalen Zysten bei einem Erwachsenen

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Clinical functional MRI for language mapping: Best Practice recommendations from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping

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Internally-consistent and fully-unbiased multimodal MRI brain template construction from UK Biobank: Oxford-MM

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Diagnostic Functional MRI: Illustrated ClinicalApplications and Decision-Making

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Functional MRI applications for intra-axial brain tumours: uses and nuances in surgical practise

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Update on FLAIR Fusion in Multiple Sclerosis Follow-up and Beyond: An Indispensable Tool in Clinical Routine

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Syllabus Contribution – Methods En Vogue-How Have They Fared Over Time?

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Bayesian Inference for Brain Activity from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Collected at Two Spatial Resolutions

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Presurgical Localization of the Primary Sensorimotor Cortex in Gliomas

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Functional MRI in clinical practice: Applications, methods and controversies

Oncolytic H-1 parvovirus shows safety and signs of immunogenic activity in a first phase I/IIa glioblastoma trial

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Brain white matter fibre tracts: a review of functional neuro-oncological relevance

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Voxelwise distribution of acute ischemic stroke lesions in patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation: Trigger of arrhythmia or only target of embolism?

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Voxelwise distribution of acute ischemic stroke lesions in patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation: Trigger of arrhythmia or only target of embolism?

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Mehr Qualität in einem Bruchteil der Zeit

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Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) Imaging for Pre-Surgical BOLD fMRI and Diffusion Tractography: Case Illustrations


„Cerrahi öncesi BOLD fMRI ve difüzyon traktografisi için eşzamanlı çoklu kesitli (SMS) görüntüleme: vaka örnekleri“

„術前BOLD fMRIおよび拡散トラクトグラフィにおける Simultaneous Multi-Slice(SMS)撮像:症例研究“

Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging for Resting-State fMRI

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Erratum to: State-of-the-art MRI techniques in neuroradiology: principles, pitfalls, and clinical applications

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Case Report: High-Resolution Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) RESOLVE Diffusion Neurography for Evaluation of Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Syndrome and Neuropathy

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Responses of the Human Brain to Mild Dehydration and Rehydration Explored In Vivo by 1H-MR Imaging and Spectroscopy

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Pre-surgical fMRI Data Analysis Using a Spatially Adaptive Conditionally Autoregressive Model

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Manifestations of early brain recovery associated with abstinence from alcoholism

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Boosting BOLD fMRI by K-Space Density Weighted Echo Planar Imaging

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Combined Acquisition Technique (CAT) for Neuroimaging of Multiple Sclerosis at Low Specific Absorption Rates (SAR)

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A Brain Network Processing the Age of Faces

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Detection of the Scanner’s Genuine Gradient Noise by Functional Echo Planar Imaging

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Entwicklung neuer MR-Verfahren zur Detektion minimaler struktureller, metabolischer und funktioneller zerebraler Veränderungen unter physiologischen und pathologischen Bedingungen

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EPI-Geräusche klinisch nutzbar gemacht: Objektiver fMRT-Nachweis von Hörvermögen allein mit dem Scanner

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Toward assessing language lateralization with resting-state fMRI

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Evaluating statistical procedures using different signal sources: a case study with alternative-based thresholding (Teil der PhD-Arbeit von Joke Durnez, Gent).

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Multimodal population brain imaging in the UK Biobank prospective epidemiological study

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Excavating Meckel’s cave: Cavum-trigeminale-cephaloceles (CTCs)

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A mixed-effects, spatially varying coefficients model with application to multi-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging dat

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Coverbild von MAGNETOM Flash – The Magazine of MRI mit Bilddaten der Radiologie Bamberg

„Simultaneous Multi-Slice Supplement“
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Priv. Doz. Dr. med. A. Bartsch

Priv. Doz. Dr. Bartsch ist Neuroradiologe mit internationaler Expertise und steht Ihnen mit universitärem Standard für alle neuroradiologischen Fragestellungen kompetent zur Verfügung.
